Welcome to AIAB Servizi
We Build. We Create. We Share.
Who We Are
AIAB SRL, was founded in 2019 promoted by the Italian Organic Agriculture Association, with the aim of providing services related to the promotion and development of organic agriculture.
This service company promoted by AIAB, a social promotion association that has existed for more than 30 years in the field of organic farming, aims to develop and manage services to members.
Its core business is the technological development of business processes and the management of all issues related to Information & Communication Technologies.
It is a young and dynamic reality in which the experience of the Board is perfectly combined with the dynamism and preparation of the young team of product development and management.

Based on agreements with partner companies that share its values and mission, AIAB srl offers several services:
Analysis, Ideation, design and realization of digital tools useful for organic farms.
Innovative tools both from a technological and a methodological point of view that allow companies to start those innovation processes that allow them to create value, stay on the market, enter new markets, increase profitability, generate employment, increase competitiveness, as well as providing tools for easy business management.
Particularly, among the services offered there are those based on information technologies that allow to redesign business strategies and processes in a digital way in order to be increasingly flexible, competitive, multi-channel and customer-oriented:
• Assistance and digital support services
• Design and development of online training events
• Analysis, design and development of websites
• Analysis, design and development of websites with e-commerce module
• strengthening of identity for brands and products
• creation of 3d product images
• creation of images for e-commerce
• communication and image consulting
• Management of social channels
• Creation and management of sponsored social campaigns
Adhesion to ad hoc digital marketplace platforms that allow to meet demand and supply of goods and services creating new business opportunities (Terre.Bio – FarmSuite)
• Membership and participation in virtual fairs
• Joining payment platforms that operate mainly in micro-transaction markets and Peer-to-Peer money transfers (e.g. PayPal, Mangopay, etc.)

The AIAB brands provide added value by redeveloping, through the regulations that establish the technical, ethical and environmental requirements, organic products certified according to European standards for organic agriculture by placing AIAB brand products, excellence in organic farming, on the market.
AIAB brands help to differentiate and distinguish products and services, are powerful distinctive signs that are at the heart of the communication strategy of companies.
The AIAB brands refer to different sectors:
Marchio “Garanzia AIAB”
Garanzia AIAB Italia is the collective brand of AIAB members for products that have more restrictive requirements than the mandatory EU regulation Reg. (EC) 834/07 and is based on four simple principles that can guarantee to the final consumer that the entire food chain is completely organic and that the raw materials used are 100% Italian.
Marchio Cosmesi AIAB
The first recognition on organic cosmetics in Italy created over 10 years ago guarantees compliance with a specification and the use of good practices:
– Only non-allergenic and irritating vegetable raw materials;
– use of agricultural and livestock products from organic farming.
Marchio Detergenza AIAB
Detergenza Pulita AIAB, is the AIAB brand that certifies its low environmental impact, but also its effectiveness in washing household and individual hygiene products. Companies that comply with the specification produce detergents that respect the skin and skin of consumers.
Marchio Mezzi tecnici AIAB
Mezzi Tecnici AIAB, provides further safety for consumers and transparency for those who produce organic.
The brand guarantees those products that are intended for use on farms: for example fertilizers, plant protection products.
Marchio Agriturismi AIAB
Il marchio Agriturismi Bio-Ecologici AIAB guarantees control not only on compliance with the rules of organic farming, but also on compliance with ethical and ecological standards in the management of accommodation facilities.
Marchio Bio-distretti AIAB
A biodistretto is a geographic area naturally suited to organic farming in which the various actors of the territory (farmers, private citizens, associations, tour operators and public administrations) sign an agreement for the sustainable management of resources, focusing on organic productions that involve all the links in the supply chains up to consumption.

AIAB aims to promote the innovative processes necessary to support the strengthening of the Italian organic sector, expanding the skills of operators and knowledge on the production methods of organic agriculture, regulation and support policies and recent market dynamics. .
The CeFAB is, therefore, the container for the aggregation of the training offer and technical assistance in Organic Agriculture proposed by AIAB.
It is the “Training Center in Organic Agriculture” and is the tool through which to continuously respond to the training demand of the organic sector.
The CeFAB structure operates on a national level, in close collaboration with the regional AIAB, through an articulated and highly qualified training program, filling the knowledge needs and the needs of new emerging skills within the organic sector.
The training / information offer aims to promote the excellence of the Italian organic sector and is aimed at the production world, the research and experimentation sector, technicians, consumers, collective catering.

Aiab Srl also deals with the creation, set-up and management of various marketplace platforms including:
FarmSuite – It is a management software designed for organic farmers with the aim of providing concrete support in the management of their businesses.
It aims to help organic agriculture operators to innovate and digitize their actions and sales processes.
Terre.Bio – It is the operational interface of FarmSuite that allows for the meeting between producers and consumers, becoming the real point of reference for the purchase of organic food.
Godo – It is a system of organizing the sale of products (organic certificates) organized and managed by AIAB at a local level. The companies propose a list of products to the GODO (organized group of supply and demand), the Godo manager selects a series of products, approving or modifying the price list. After the manager approves the price list, it becomes public and customers can view it online on the platform and proceed to place orders.
This service is advantageous for both consumer members and producers, who can directly deliver their products without commercial intermediaries.
The goal of GODO is to facilitate access to local organic products and encourage direct contact, exchange, collaboration between small local organic companies and conscious consumers.
Bio FVG – It is a portal of regional organic products, where companies have a management space for their sales channels, with a more intuitive and simple management of orders and payments.
Consumers have the advantage of having a simple and safe shopping experience, as well as the ability to get to know many quality products in a single platform.

AIAB Srl, has entered into agreements and conventions with specialized professionals in order to offer adequate services and advice for business management both for farms and for other types of organizations operating in the organic farming sector.
– Financial management consultancy: preparation of accounting methods or procedures, expense accounting programs, budget preparation and control procedures
– Accounting and tax consultancy
– Marketing management consultancy: analysis and formulation of a marketing strategy, formulations of policies regarding customer service, prices, advertising and distribution channels, design, etc.
– Legal advice: designed to meet the need of every single operator in the sector, to have a single contact person in the various areas of intervention, from civil and commercial law, to administrative law, up to the most specific issues in the agri-food sector.
With a view to providing global assistance to the company, AIAB Servizi avails itself of professionals capable of assisting and supporting the company on problems that may arise along the entire supply chain, from production to sale to the final consumer, with particular regard to contracts for business, privacy, e-commerce, industrial property (trademarks, patents, design and other rights) management of loans, subsidies and subsidies to businesses, banking law, tax litigation, issues related to relations with the Public Administration, issues raised by the legislation of the agri-food sector, and in particular organic (including organic cosmetics): from labeling to food presentation and advertising, from traceability to the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin.